Tools as a two way portals

If it is an abstract space and the mental space is the only way.
What are we talking about here ?
Let’s imagine a screenplay.

8 seconds pause. Breathing in through the fingertips on the keyboard. The subservience of the tool. From the hand towards the object.
A single direction of flow was what was always imagined, now we have entered the epoch where questions like this become acceptable as table conversations. How might that flow move in two directions ?

Tools function as portal, it has opened a two way street and the more one expands the meaning of tools the wider it gets to becoming the cultural layer. The cultural layer is a tool space as well as a construction set piece.

The experience of our reality is a sampling of the cultural layer, a composite, the nature of it perhaps more wiggly than imagined. This simulation space was not the relationship we began with reality.

We experienced the composites as is. This gesture is not a retrospective, but a recognition of the stack of layer on which we operate, functioning in the thinnest of the layers. In scales that envelope each other.

In this microcosm, shared by millions of others whos presence we are more aware of than before, the addition of these microcosms create a more wider landscape.